Review: “Argarizim: The Fall of Lucifer” by Johannes Nefastos, Heathen Harvest, 29 April, 2017.
The Occult Bookshops of London, Dirge Magazine, 7 October, 2016.
“Eliphas Lévi and the French Occult Revival” by Christopher McIntosh, Heathen Harvest, 28 April, 2016.
The Gnostic Horror of Annila’s “Sauna”, Dirge Magazine, 23 April, 2016.
Speaking with the Dead: Life and Learning in a Cadaver Lab, Dirge Magazine, 2 April, 2016.
There’s Honey in the Hollows: Coil’s “Horse Rotorvator” 30 Years On, Heathen Harvest, 13 March, 2016.
The Flowers of Evil: Satanic Feminists of Bohemian Paris –Berthe de Courrière , Dirge Magazine, 4 March, 2016.
Necrophiliacs Are People, Too: Book Humanizes This Misunderstood Taboo, Dirge Magazine, 11 February, 2016.
In Print
“La Vie de Berthe de Courrière”, Le Dossier n° 1 de la Nouvelle Imprimerie Gourmontienne, (translated to French by Thierry Gillyboeuf, June 2017.
“A Teacup Full of Dreaming: Thinning the Veil with Artemisia Vulgaris”, Conjure Codex Vol. 3, Hadean Press, March 2017.
“Lucifer in la Ville-Lumière”, The Luminous Stone: Lucifer in Western Esotericism, eds. Michael Howard and Daniel Schulke. Three Hands Press, October, 2016.
“Sauna: Abjection and Redemption in the Liminal Spaces”, Folk Horror Revival: Field Studies, Wyrd Harvest Press, November, 2015. First edition only.
“And you shall see the shades which she becomes”, Women of Babalon: A Howling of Women’s Voices, ed. Mishlen Linden. Black Moon Publishing, Oct. 2015.
“The Path of Elen”, Finding Elen: The Quest for Elen of the Ways, Caroline Wise. CreateSpace. March 2015.